An enthusiastic village girl Saulė (A. Ravdo) and a modest single mother Ona (E. Ozarinskaitė) are passionate cooks stuck in the Kaunas canteen "Gardutė". One day, Saulė, without Ona's consent, includes them in a culinary reality show, the main prize of which is her own restaurant. Saulė lies to the commission about her background and claims that they are both qualified chefs from the La Gardutė restaurant.
Although everyone looks at the "Gardutė" team as a joke at first, their simple but excellent recipes help them become the audience's favorite. Despite the success, the tension between the friends begins to grow, as Ona gets more and more viewers and the attention of judge Emanuel (L. Pobedonoscevs). The celebrity of the competition, chef Bruknė (L. Rastokaitė) takes the opportunity and tries to oppose them even more. Will Ona and Saula's friendship withstand this test?