
Kaunas Dance Theatre AURA | "The Disappearing Dream"

Dance performance


The work is based on and developed according to Robert Przybył's choreography "Going No?Where", created in 2017. Susanne Linke for the troupe in Trier (Germany) on the Next Generation platform.

No matter what you do on this race track, success is not guaranteed, but if you do nothing, failure is sure to come. We all long for freedom, we all have a reason for being here, but the most disturbing thing is that we are usually lost in our path, we usually misperceive the things around us. And this leads us not to somewhere, but to nowhere.

Idea, choreography, video, scenography: Robert Przybyl
Light Artist: Vilius Vilutis
Original texts in German: Juliane Lang
Translation into Lithuanian and English: Julia Strupaitė
Costume Designers: Kristina Čyžiūtė Svirskienė and Robert Przybyl
Runtime: 50 min.
Theater Manager: Birutė Letukaitė

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