French director Guillaume Maidatchevsky, who five years ago presented the breathtaking story "Ail's Reindeer's Journey through Lapland", returns with a new story from the inexhaustible treasures of living nature. This time, the director is targeting a pair of young arctic foxes.
Kina and Juk are preparing to become parents for the first time in their lives. In order for this process to go smoothly, you need to eat well first of all. In the far north, this task is not an easy one under normal conditions. And the conditions are far from simple anymore. A warming climate forces foxes to travel farther and farther from their native places in search of food. During one such trip, a tragedy occurs: the broken ice separates Kin and Yuka.
Now the little girls will have to use all their wisdom, cunning, intuition and courage to avoid the dangers lurking at every step and not only to return home successfully, but also manage to do it before the moment when their children will see the world.
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> Recommended for students from 5-12 grades.
Areas of education: moral education, knowledge of the world, geography, general competences.
Topics for conversation after the movie: environmental protection, human-nature relationship, knowledge of the world, animal behavior.