

A canine process

Original language: French

The dog trial

April, an animal rights lawyer, loses every case she takes on. She knows she has to win the next court. However, when a desperate client shows up at the office, she takes it upon herself to defend Kosmos, a dog that has bitten three people. If the case was lost, the animal would be euthanized. April firmly believes in justice, but the hatred of those around her for four-legged friends only seems to grow stronger. In a court full of absurdity, Cosmos will help her accept her own humanity.

The funny trial comedy about animals and people was presented in the program "A different view" at the Cannes festival.

Director: Laetitia Dosch
Subtitles: Lithuanian
Year: 2024
Country: Switzerland, France
Runtime: 85 min
Rating: N-13
Starring: Laetitia Dosch, François Damiens, Jean-Pascal Zadi
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