The film will be presented by Rolandas Maskoliūnas, author of "Videokauko", fantasy enthusiast, doctor of biological sciences.
A Screwed Orange is one of Stanley Kubrick's most striking films, about Alex, a charismatic but dangerously violent young man who terrorizes the inhabitants of a dystopian society with his gang of friends. After his arrest, Alex becomes part of an experimental re-education project - the state aims to make him an obedient citizen, but this process raises more questions than answers. The film surprises not only with a tense plot, but also with a vivid style, memorable characters and a bold exploration of human nature and free will. It is a work that intrigues, shocks and leaves an indelible impression.
The film contains many elements of violence, social tension and is therefore intended for adult (18+) audiences only.
"Videokaukas Romuva" - back in the 20th century. the continuation of the series of fantasy films born on the television screen in the 1990s in a new format - in the cinema. As in the legendary show, all viewers of "Videokauko Romuva" sessions will be welcomed by Rolandas Maskoliūnas. Pre-screening introductions will discuss fiction as a thought experiment. How this genre reflects reality, why it is important and how it is changing. And how it helps not only philosophers to understand the essence and value of humanity.