Educational-creative workshop "Starewicz’s Animation Laboratory" helps to learn about the history of animation: from the most popular cartoons currently shown on cinema and TV screens to the very origins of animation and the stop-motion technique, which was pioneered by Wladyslaw Starewicz, who had worked in Kaunas. Participants try their hand at creating animation in practice. With unique ladybug and stag beetle animation dolls inspired by Starewicz's films, children can try out the profession of an animator and create short films using the stop-motion animation technique.
Education is for grades 1-5. for schoolchildren.
The number of participants is 20-30 students (one class).
Duration: 60 min.
The price of education is 6 eur/person.
Information about the educational activities is available:
by phone: 8 670 25508 XNUMX
by e-mail