

Beyond time and light

Original language: English Lithuanian

Beyond time and light

A documentary film that captures the memories and vicissitudes of the Lithuanian music group "Skylė", which has existed for three decades.

in 1991 SKYLĖ, founded by Roko Radzevičius during the historical turning point in Lithuania, is a unique creative gathering that included Aistė Smilgevičiūtė and several hundred like-minded people who contributed to the craziest ideas of the group. Underground performances, street theater giant puppet performances, music for events and performances, concerts for Ukrainian soldiers, 20 albums and an inexhaustible musical and poetic charge - all this is the thirty-year history of one of the longest-lasting Lithuanian groups, which has inspired more than one generation. In the documentary "Beyond Time and Light", this story is reborn in never-before-seen archival footage and unheard stories.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> Recommended for students from 5-12 grades.

Areas of education: history, civic education, general competences.
Topics for conversation after the movie: music, Lithuania, nationality.

Director: Aistė Jauraitė, Skaistė Jauraitė
Year: 2019
Country: Lietuva
Runtime: 58 min
Rating: N-7
Starring: Vytautas Bruveris, Alfred Bumblauskas, Kestutis Drazdauskas, Mantvydas Kodis, Aisté Smilgeviciute, Lina Kriukeliene, Neda Malunaviciute, Marijonas Mikutavicius, Egle Miskiniene, Rokas Radzevicius, Enrik Slavinskis
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