

the body of Christ

Original language: Polish

Corpus Christi

20-year-old Daniel undergoes a spiritual transformation in a youth correctional facility after a serious crime. When the time comes to leave them, he dreams of becoming a priest, but his criminal past is an insurmountable obstacle. On his way to a new job, he disguises himself as a priest and, by a comical coincidence, takes over a parish in a remote town. The unusual practice of a young, charismatic priest becomes an impetus for the local community to begin the process of reconciliation after a recent tragedy. But it doesn't take long for Daniel's past to catch up.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> Recommended for students from 5-12 grades.

Areas of education: psychology, social moral, artistic education, class lesson, general competencies.

Topics for conversation after the movie: emotional experiences, young adults, life experience, crime, search for truth.


Director: Red Komasa
Subtitles: Lithuanian
Year: 2019
Country: Poland, France
Runtime: 115 min
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