

Lapinas Reinekis

Original language: French

Le Roman de Renard

The screening will be presented by film archivist and one of the organizers of the early film festival "Pirmoji Banga" Aleksas Gilaitis.

Before the session, 12:00-13:30 p.m. there will be an excursion along the roads of Vladislav Starevičius in Kaunas. Registration is required, the number of places is limited. Registration link:

In the animal kingdom, Reinekis, the leafy one, will continue to deceive and fool everyone. The Lion King, receiving more and more complaints about this, finally orders his arrest. "Lapinas Reinekis" is the longest and probably the most successful work of V. Starevičius. It is a performance that can be seen as a wonderful adventure film, as an illustration of medieval life or as a fable about power, which also reflects the time of its creation. "I think that if I saw my Lapina Reinekis on the screen, created by another creator, I would decide to leave the field of animation. ," the author wrote after finishing the film.

Organizer: Early Film Festival "First Wave"
The screening is partially financed by: Lithuanian Cinema Center and Vilnius City Municipality

Director: Vladislav Starevičius
Subtitles: Lithuanian
Year: 1941
Country: France
Runtime: 65 min
Rating: N-7
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