


Original language: Latvians


1991 in Latvia. Nineteen-year-old Jazis and his friends Ana and Zepa are future filmmakers who dream of making films and are in a hurry to enjoy the freedom of youth. Unfortunately, the collapse of the region's political system destroys their plans, family ties, and friendship. Participating in peaceful resistance becomes a defining moment in their maturity. 

"January" is an autobiographical look at the political turmoil of the early 1990s that changed the lives of people in the former Soviet Union.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> Recommended for students from 5-12 grades.

Areas of education: history, ethics, psychology, civic education, general competences.
Topics for conversation after the movie: politics, political resistance, Soviet Union.

Director: Viesturs Kairiss
Subtitles: Lithuanian
Year: 2022
Country: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
Runtime: 94 min
Rating: N-13
Starring: Karl Arnolds Avots, Baiba Broka, Rudolfs Cirulis, Alise Danovska, Juhan Ulfsak
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