


Original language: dubbed in Lithuanian


We meet 7-year-old Nora and her older brother Abel on the first day of school. Later that day, Nora notices that Abel is being bullied by the other kids. She rushes to tell her father to help, but Abel silences her. Forced to choose between loyalties to one and the other, Nora slowly learns the rules of the schoolyard and tries to find her place between the adults and the children.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> Recommended for students from 5-12 grades.

Areas of education:social, moral, artistic education, psychology, information technologies, class time, general competences.

Topics for conversation after the movie: emotional experiences, bullying and violence, interpersonal relationships, parent-child relationships, the worldview of children and teenagers.

Director: Laura Wander
Year: 2021
Country: Belgija
Runtime: 72 min
Rating: N-13
Starring: Maya Vanderbeque, Günter Duret, Karim Leklou, Laura Verlinden
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